What the critics say­­…

Western Press:

In this age of instant­ foods, it is with pride that country women like to preserve as much as they can. Beryl Wood’s book is full of good commonsense tips and recipes.

Country Standard:

Written in clear, sensible style with hints and advice helpful to both experienced and novice cooks.

Newcastle Chronicle­:

This book tells you how to enjoy a good, old-fashioned bout of bottling. It’s a small encyclopedia that proves that practically anything can be turned into a tasty addition to the cook’s store cupboard.

What the readers say about the book…

Wonderful, short, informative recipes. An enormous variety that gives the creative cook inspirations and ideas, as well as some basic rules, so that you can vary and play on the basic concepts with relative ease. I lov­e the alphabetical organisation because, in my kitchen, it is never “hmmm lets make something fancy with lime and chilli in it today”, it is more like “good lord what will I ever do with all these aubergines”…quick flip to the A section, and there are more ideas than I have aubergines. Just what I needed!


This is the best preserve/pickling book for both beginners and advanced cooks. My old paperback book is invaluable for all jams, pickles, jellies, chutneys, fruit butters and cheese recipes. I just wish they would bring it out again as my edition has seen better days and needs replacing. (so we did!Mrs. Jacqueline Keeble

This is the classic British text on jams, jellies, chutneys, cheeses etc. Arranged alphabetically by main ingredient, very simple, very good on technique. My mother used it through the 70s and 80s, then handed on her very battered copy to me – it’s now held together with a rubber band, but still going strong. Basically, any fruit or vegetable you want to preserve will be in there, and once you’ve mastered the basics, the sky’s the limit. I’m so glad this has been republished because my copy’s going to disintegrate soon. Mr. Rupert J. B. Smith

Although this book may appear a little dated, it is absolutely invaluable if you enjoy jam-making or pickling. It goes from the simple, e.g. strawberry jam, to the obscure, e.g. pickled watermelon rind! It appears that there is nothing that cannot be preserved in this way and the book is in a useful alphabetical format. There are plenty of recipes which could be perceived as modern, together with some that your grandmother will remember. Thoroughly recommended reading.

I also have a copy from 1972 and treasure it: superb recipes—it took me 20 years to find another copy (I have two daughters..) nigh impossible to find on the 2nd hand book circuit and have to confess that I have also scanned it and distributed to dear friends….. Today I had a mail from one saying that Nigella Lawson during her Christmas Cookery Show last night was “raving about it” so may we hope that some publisher took note and said “Let’s Preserve It”… The original publisher no longer exists and their archives are held in some University/Foundation. An absolute gem so will someone please reprint….

Pre-ordered this months ago and it was well worth the wait, just in time for the blackberries. I did wonder how the author could get so many recipes in one small book—the answer is by keeping things simple, jargon-free and easy to follow instructions make this book a delight to use. All my other books on preserving are now going to the charity shop!

I bought this book as a gift, when it arrived I looked through it and decided to keep it for myself, but I did purchase another copy for the original recipient. A brilliant book, lovely recipes and perfect for making those lovely home made gifts for Christmas foodie types. A MUST BUY!

I bought this book in paperback in 1970 and have used it regularly ever since. No glut of fruit or vegetables was ever wasted with this remarkable set of recipes to hand, but the years took their toll and I ended up with a plastic envelope full of loose pages which had come adrift from their original binding which did not make for easy reference! I was absolutely delighted to find this essential book now in hard-back and would recommend it to anyone with or without a garden. After all, you never know when a kind neighbour will off-load some of their surplus produce and far from being a burden it will be a delight to look though this book and find an easy and satisfying way to use it!

This book is simply the BEST book ever written for anyone interested in making jam, chutney or preserves in tiny quantities. Not everyone has space, equipment, time, inclination or indeed ingredients for a marathon session over the preserving pan but with this book it’s easy to experiment with small amounts of fruit or vegetables (one pound of apples, a few onions, a pineapple etc) and with many of the recipes you don’t even need a preserving pan, just a large saucepan. Highly recommended! J. A. Percival

A joy to use simple and old fashioned like being taught recipes by your grandma. Love it, made lots of Xmas gifts. Mr. J. R. Waite

This is a great little book. I only started to making jam last year so I have a lot to learn and this book has been a great help. As I have an allotment, any surplus food now that has been grown I know I can turn to this book and there will be a jam or chutney etc. that I can make to put my surplus to good use. As it’s in alphabetical order this makes it really easy to look up the fruit or veg you want to use. The recipes are short and easy to understand, would have been nice to have had some pictures but the book makes up for it in the amount of recipes that are crammed into this little book. So glad I bought it, I wont be needing to buy any other preserving books and at a bargain price it was well worth its money.

I have long hoped for a new copy of this book, but I expect I shall still treasure my falling to pieces 1982 paper back. I keep buying other books on preserves, but always use this one.

Great old fashioned recipes and lots of them at a good price.I have now tried a sweet orange marmalade recipe and it tastes fantastic. James A. Laidlaw

Beryl Wood has not only simple—and very extensive—recipes, she has SMALL QUANTITIES. So you don’t have to make humungous amounts of something your family and friends simply might not like. AND you can use just the pound or two of fruit or veg you happen to have without breaking the bank (or your arms with over-full cauldrons!). So you can experiment with things you don’t know. Every other preserving book I have seems to think you’re providing for a family of 10 who eat pounds of jam per week.

I had an original hardback edition and a paperback one. The paperback went to my mother and got lost after she died. The hardback got lost in my latest move. I am so, so glad it’s republished and am now buying an extra copy for my granddaughter. Anna KV

I can only post this review as “official taster” for some of the wonderful chutneys my wife has made since I bought the book for her! She thinks it is excellent, there is nothing more that I can usefully add !! Adrian

This book was great as I’m new to preserving. The beginning of the book was useful as I had no idea where to start. It described the different kinds of jam and what tools are needed. It was hard deciding what to make first the book is so thorough. I made a tangerine jelly first and it came out perfect! Kelly B

I bought ‘Let’s preserve it’ for my mother for Christmas as she’s just started preserving and we bought her some equipment too. She loved the book and has tried out a couple of recipes already. A great selection and loads to try out. Beautifully presented and easy to follow recipes. A gorgeous book to show off on you coffee table (as she does!).

A wonderful book with many fascinating recipes and variations for the same fruit and vegetables etc, set out in easy to find alphabetical order recipes. Loads of interesting background information too. A real diamond to have if you love making preserves. Many really unusual recipes too. A must for all foodies! Ms. B. M. Pullen

I first saw this on one of Nigella Lawson’s cooking shows, where she said it was like her preserving bible, but when I tried initially to get a copy could not, it then got republished recently and I still wanted a copy, so bought it, it’s fabulous no kidding when I say this is the best preserving booking I have ever bought and I have a few. I tried the Apple Chutney #4 first of all wow, my family and friends cannot get enough of it, and I am slowly working my way through some of the others now, but am running out of jars fast. What an excellent book !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Debbie M­